
The State property data is based on information provided by the State Property Management (HTH) information service maintained by Senate Properties. HTH is a joint tool for property management for the central government community. It provides an up-to-date knowledge base for decision-making, control and planning related to premises.

The report below shows the state’s use of property and its costs as a total sum, by administrative branch or by accounting unit. You can also view the use of property by purpose of use. The report has three tabs; you can move from tab to tab with the buttons in the upper-right corner. The first tab is a summary of the entity, the second tab contains more detailed information on the costs of premises, and the third tab contains a summary of property use and rental agreements.

The report contains data from 2017 and after. New results are published every six months.

All information in the Premises section has been submitted by Senate Properties.

Contact details:
Linkki Senaatin kotivisuille



For more information on state premises and facility management, click the link below.